Thursday 22 May 2014

Luftrausers - Vlambeer - PC (2014)

Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries, you know the one! Apocalypse Now. “DUN DUN, DUN DUN DUUUN DUN” if you’ve ever had a remote liking to that piece, Luftrausers is the Valkyrie personified. That blaze of destructive glory taking down as many foes with you as you can. You don’t win, come on no one wins in war, you just do a little better every time!

Developed by Vlambeer and published by Devolver Digital and available now for PC, Mac, PS3 and Vita. Luftrausers is an arcade-style 2D dogfighter with a bite. It may look like a simple game from screenshots but when you get your hands on it you’ll soon realise that there’s more than meets the eye with the game.

Luftrausers gives you the control of a “Rauser” (Plane) to kill as many enemies in the sky and sea as you can before you are blown to smithereens yourself. Luftrauser’s mechanics are what gives the title its longevity. Each Rauser is composed of three sections. A weapon, a body and an engine. Each combination of these three attributes will give you a unique “Rauser” to pilot and rain bloody vengeance on your enemies. These not only add a fun experimental feel to the title by trying to find a combination that suits you best and even then, each Rauser will make you adapt your playstyle accordingly. Having a tougher body and a close range blast for a weapon may make you more melee in nature, whereas the turbocharged engine with the laser weapon will rely on your agility and ability to keep out of range of your enemies. It’s what gives Luftrausers a bit of breathing room as, with say 5 or 6 Rausers, its charm would wear thin very quickly.

Speaking of its charm, Luftrausers sticks to a retro-inspired theme, from its audio to its art style and right down to its simplistic yet intuitive control system it’ll pull you back to your days of throwing quarters into those big shiny arcade machines and it’s the arcade style that works best. The art style is very basic yet gives feeling of layered combat, your Rauser will fly in and out of clouds, arch around incoming bullets with ease and the frame rate stays at a constant high. The controls are simplistic, aim your Rauser in the direction you want to fire and let loose. It has a very nice thrust and stall mechanic, and the physics applied feel proper. There’s no better feeling than being chased down by a jet, only to cut your engines, spin quickly in mid-air and let him have it! Speaking of its arcade-style don’t go into this expecting to be made to feel guilty for blowing that jet out of the sky, instead, have some combo points! Also, don’t expect to be survive for more than 10 minutes maximum, unless you’re extremely good. It might have simplistic controls and have a singular style but this is a game that will punish you if you’re not too careful.

What will keep you coming back for more is its ability to always have that “Carrot on the Stick” feel. Each part of your Rauser will give you a set mission to complete and completing these will provide the experience needed to level up and unlock more components. You’ll also unlock colour schemes along the way, giving cosmetic customisation options to the title. These aren’t exactly a highlight however, some of them feel shoehorned in and after a while will be completely unplayable. Blue on Purple…No Thanks.

Luftrausers is worthy of your time, no doubt. It’s in its simplicity that allows the title to flourish. You can pretty much just pick it up and play without having to worry if you’d set your Y-Axis correctly or that your wing flaps are titled to the right angle. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with games that go into that much depth with flight, however, if you’re looking for a quick blast through some enemies then Luftrausers will fill that niche very easily.

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